So I keep hearing newbie and OG bloggers/influencers say – “influencer marketing is too oversaturated” or “no one wants to hear what I have to say.” This is totally false, on both accounts! I began blogging almost 3 years ago, I use to say the exact SAME thing. And I’m telling you from personal experience – it’s wrong.
Have a blog that you’re passionate about (or even just an idea for one)? If you answered yes, then there is a space for you! I know what you’re thinking, “But, Tiffany, it’s too late for me. There are too many blogs out there already.” You better take those negative thoughts and toss them out the window because there is PLENTY of room for everyone on. Your story is unique and how you bring it to the table can be too. You just have to know how to navigate it.

How to Grow Your Blog’s e-Subscription List!
I have said it and I will continue to – cross promotion on other platforms such as: Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok – is great! However, you should ALWYAS be re-directing people back to our blog. That is literally the only platform that you own. The unfortunate reality is, our instagram accounts could be pulled down by IG or even, hacked – at any time. In the last 2 months, I’ve seen it happen to 3 creators, all in different nieches! All of these creators hard work, followers, everything – gone. Some of the creators were able to get their accounts back, others unfortunately were not, and had to start over. This is why it is imperative that you have your own space, that you own to redirect your community of followers to!
I also heard from a little birdie that blogs and newsletters are making a comeback in 2021! ? I honestly wonder if it’s due to peoples feed fatigue. Either way, it’s time for you to carve our your space online and own it like the boss you are! And that’s why today I am sharing 5 ways YOU, yes you – can grow your Blog’s e-Subscription List!
If you want to grow your blog’s fan base, you have to focus on three critical aspects:
1. Getting new visitors
2. Converting visitors into subscriber
3. Getting your subscribers to share your blog and bring in MORE new visitors.

How to Grow Your Blog’s e-Subscription List
Use pop-up or slide in CTAs
The term CTA, also known as a ‘Call To Action’, is a marketing word to describe action and/or follow-up steps you ask of your audience/readers. An example of that is at the end of every blog post, I typically ask my readers to leave a comment to promote engagement. You’ve likely heard the term used on Social media when an influencer says, visit the link in my bio for “x”. CTAs’ are important on social AND on your blog! If you don’t already have a CTA on your blog pages, I suggest you add one. They could sound something like this…
“Enjoying this blog? Subscribe now so you’ll never miss a post!”
Or to make it even more attractive for potential subscribers, offer them a little something extra…
“Each new subscriber will receive my FREE guide to ____”
Keep your writing focused
Do you know who your Target Audience is? If you don’t know that, you may want to start by figuring out your brand pillars. These are 3-5 subjects that your brand is based around. Those are the topics you’ll share in rotation on your blog and social platforms – therefore feigning your target audience. Once you know how your brand pillars and who your target audience is; you want to be sure sure that your blog posts are geared towards the audience you have and want to follow you.
So for example, if your brand pillars are: holistic wellness, ethical fashion and family; you would share content around those areas. Maybe in rotation, one subject per week. This will help to keep your audience coming back to you for more advice because they know what to expect and you are their go-to SME (subject matter expert).

Be a guest blogger
It might not seem like it makes sense to write for someone else’s blog when you’re trying to scale your own, but guest blogging can be a GREAT way to gain exposure! Just make sure you create something fresh and exciting – not a recycled piece from your blog. Also make sure the host blog is okay with you adding a byline at the end and a little blurb about you and your blog.
Cross-promote with other blogs
In all aspects of life, there’s nothing more important than having a network of people that you can count on to help you grow. Seek out blogs that are similar to yours, but non-competitive, and extend an offer for cross-promotion. This opens you (and them) up to a whole new market of people!
Direct people to your landing page
Post a link to your website’s landing page wherever you can – Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, even at the end of your blog posts! Your landing page is where readers will discover the value of becoming one of your subscribers. Make sure it has an easy and obvious way for them to subscribe!
Growing and scaling your blog is an instrumental way of growing and scaling your business. The more readers you have, the more likely you’re going to be shared on other websites, and that means the potential to go VIRAL!! Once that happens, who knows what’s next… a verified Instagram account? We can only hope!
Did I miss anything? Let me know if you’ve got any other tried and true methods of growing your blog’s e-subscription list in the comment box below!
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Until next time!