A HUGE thank you to Blue Apron for sponsoring this post. All thoughts, views and opinions are my own and brought to you in the truest form.
Cooking with Blue Apron
Friends, there is a new sheriff in the Turner-Moon Casa and it’s Blue Apron! You may recognize the blue box pictured above, but let me tell you more about what the logo actually represents. Blue Apron is a meal kit delivery service, that specializes in making life easier, teaching you new cooking skills and bringing deliciousness, one incredible recipe at a time. With over 23+ WEEKLY menu options, there is something for everyone. Even the picky eaters in your house. I have two in mine, but I won’t name any names… Jesse & Bella 😉 They can be so fickle, sometimes, that I literally have to sneak in veggies – when cooking for them!
Blue Apron has definitely helped in makes those vegetables much more appetizing. Not only are you offered a host of recipes, but you also have the option to go with their Wellness Menu (more on this later), Carb Conscious, WW (weight watchers) approved meals AND vegetarian recipes.
In 2021, I am taking better care of myself, this being for myself and for my family. Its a promise I intend to keep, in more ways than one. Nowadays I start my day with my bible instead of my phone. Make sure I eat a healthy and balanced breakfast, and do better at planning meals in advance. Collectively, these simple steps aid me in my quest and improve my mental health. Since beginning to use Blue Apron’s recipes – the change in myself in many areas has been noticeably significant. First by feeling good about the food and ingredients I, and my family are ingesting. And I’ve also noticed I am stressing WAY less about having to cook. And those days I don’t feel like cooking? I hand a recipe card to my hubby and he goes to town!
That’s why I am really happy to share with you all how utilizing their services has done wonders for: my time, my budget and most importantly my mental health.
Being in the kitchen, cooking and/or baking has always been therapeutic for me. My family is aware that when I cook, it comes not from a place of duty but a place of love, it’s all cooked with love for them.

Cooking For Self Care
When looking more into the connection between cooking and mental health I was surprised that something I loved, could also have added benefits on my mental health. In an article by Psychology Today regarding cooking and mental health- they stated, “food related activities involving: shopping, cooking, planning, and of course, eating can serve as useful tools for helping individuals feel better about themselves, enjoy shared experiences with others, and adopt desirable health habits.” It’s rather ironic, as when I really thought about it – I realized I tend to either clean or bake when I am stressed out. Doing those two things calm me significantly and ultimately bring me joy. And it delights my family!

Why Is Cooking Good for Mental Health
Practicing Self Care
I mentioned earlier that, this year I am practicing self care in the form of cooking. But practicing self care looks different for everyone. When I cook, it is a stress free zone. After a busy day – I put on some music, have a glass of wine and make a meal. Blue Apron allows me to NOT have to spend hours in the kitchen, as majority of their recipes are prepared in 35 minutes or less. At that, the ingredients are fresh produce and high quality with a host of different benefits. Not to mention as apart of their Wellness program you can get recipes that use natural sweeteners. To me, this is one of the best forms of self care.
Less stress
Let’s be real, I have a full-time 9-5 job, on top of blogging full-time. If there is way get time back in my day, I am in! Especially because if I am honest, when we eat out too much, and Bella mentions she is craving a home cooked meal; mom guilt instantly sets in. Prior to utilizing Blue Apron, if I was too tired I would just grab fast food. Not great for anyone’s body, and on top of that the guilt I feel comes a plethora of emotions that can ultimately lead to a downward spiral for my mental health and wellness.
I am not against grabbing fast food every once in awhile. But Jesse and I have both agreed that we would take it easy on fast food for our budget and our health, this year. In using Blue Apron services, I can pick out each week’s recipes WITH my family, therefore spending time with with them. But I also am able to skip having to go to the grocery store (more time) and have the ingredients delivered straight to my door. Game changer! I am given time back in my day, ability to cook with love for my loves and be good to our budget!
Sense of Accomplishment
There are some times throughout the day, I feel like I’ve accomplished nothing. It could be the busiest day all week and I’ll feel like I’m just spinning wheels. When I cook, I always am left feeling accomplished and fulfilled. And then when I hear my families sigh of pleasure after the first bite? Oh, you better believe it is like music to my ears and my heart. It makes me feel good as a person, mom and wife. Every recipe I’ve tried with Blue Apron thus far has been new to me. But the sense of pride and accomplishment I feel in myself is priceless. I managed to perfectly sear chicken breast, make Italian dressing from scratch, cook with ingredients I’ve never use. It feels SO good!

In all the ways Blue Apron has improved my life, relationships and finances, its positive contributions to my mental health, are most evident in the ways I spoke of above.
Upon speaking to a friend about, Blue Apron’s meal delivery services; she mentioned it was gifted to her and her family, after she had surgery. It took a lot of pressure off of her family. She said her husband prepared simple, recipe guided meals. And she was able to focus on recuperating. Hearing this, I decided to gift Blue Apron to Bella’s Grandmother for her birthday this year. They love cooking together, and it’s been a year since she and Bella have been able to. Gifting her Blue Apron, and now they can cook together on FaceTime!
Our motto, in The Turner-Moon casa for 2021 is to “live well and eat well”. If you’re looking treat yourself or someone you love to a Blue Apron, such as their Wellness recipes and kickstart your new year use this link to save up to $80 off your First 4 boxes!
Until next time!
*Recipe pictured is Blue Apron’s Calabrian Beef & Gnocchi with Zucchini and Romano Cheese*